
Reviewing the development history of BAOYE, we found no success but enterprises growth.The achievements we accumulated today benefited from the reform and opening-up policy, also thanks to the predominant economical policy of Zhejiang Province and the support from all levels of government. In addition, there are several value connotations that play a crucial role during the development of BAOYE, that is the pursuit of excellence, the appropriate management system, the scientific and humanistic operating concept, the innovated enterprising spirit and the style of thrifty and perseverance.

There is a saying "One cannot eat fat by one bite, success relies on perseverance". Each of us should take responsibility of achieving success as it still has a long way to go. For the future, I would summarize in four aspects "healthy growth is the principle; keep insisting is the correct path; value connotation is the guarantee; the unity of knowledge and action is the basis".

城步| 息烽县| 博罗县| 郧西县| 腾冲县| 九龙坡区| 铜梁县| 永嘉县| 盐边县| 共和县| 绵竹市| 双牌县| 江孜县| 新和县| 和田市| 上高县| 肥城市| 镇远县| 五寨县| 汉阴县| 绥化市| 庄浪县| 大洼县| 中山市| 左云县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 沙田区| 资中县| 桃江县| 嘉定区| 广东省| 南城县| 南昌县| 屯门区| 通海县| 刚察县| 尉氏县| 鸡西市| 光泽县| 闻喜县| 平武县|